The ProSkypper is a home-made and hand-built antenna using commercial components, with the experience of years of radio activity in portable and self-construction that makes the antenna reliable and performing.
Assembly parts

Gain: 12.51 dBi
F/B: 20.23 dB
Peak Gain: 12.1 dBi
Gain at 10m above Ground: 12.51 dBi
Power Rating: 1,5 kW Pep whit PL connector
SWR: Below 1.5:1 (7mt up the ground)
Range: mod.11 27.350<>27.850, mod.10 28.100<>28.600
Boom Length: 5,04 mt
Weight: 2,0 kg
Turning Radius: 2,60 mt
Wind Survival: 50 km/h